The Shadowmaker
Victor Braun, Baritone and The Toronto Symphony
Orchestra, conductor Mario Bernardi
Text by Canadian Poet Gwendolyn MacEwen
Sonata Movement for Alto-Saxophone & Piano
Jan van der Meer, Piano
Peter Stam, Alto-Saxophone
Epigrams for Orchestra
Residentie Orchestra of the Hague,
Conductor Jac van Steen
Kreiten Passion
Baritone, Mixed Choir and Orchestra.
Andreas Schmidt, Städtischen Musikverein, Düsseldorf Symphony, Conductor John Fiore Final 18 minutes of
54 minute work.
Piano Trio
Florestan Trio live at the Concertgebouw,
Amsterdam. Anthony Marwood, Violin
Richard Lester, Cello and Susan Tomes, Piano
Irish Symphony
National Orchestra of Ireland
Conductor Colman Pearce, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Movements
A Touch of The Blues
Marcel Worms, piano
Flute Concertante
Koos Verheul, flute
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra
Pianist Geoffrey Madge and North Netherlands Orchestra, conductor Viktor Liberman